Monday 10 September 2012

More people behind the brands no 12

My mum is the best and most beautiful mum in the world!

My mum Eva Petersen

Eva Petersen managed working, cooking, shopping, cleaning, being married and raising two impossible girls, so who else can I look up to more than her! She is my hero, and I love her so much.

Every family has a key person and my mum is the one in our family. She holds your hand when you need it, she finds the time when you need it, and she is always ready when you need her.
Both my sister and I try to follow her footsteps, but we both know that being a mum, wife, in charge of the house and having a career, you need to be a super woman!

My mum is super woman and this is what she said:

1. Where do you work?
- I'm retired but had the same job as the office manager for 30 years!

2. What do you ?
- I love food shopping, cooking, gardening and baby sitting my grand daughter

3. What do you love to wear?
- Havaianas flip flops in the summer time

4. What is your favourite shop?
- Magasin department store in CPH

5. What is your best travel memory?
- Trip to USA, Greenland, Madeira and London

6. What is you favourite colour?
- Green and Black

7. What would you like to be remembered for?
- Being honest, loving and caring and my funny humour

8. What is your favourite drink and food?
- Wine and salmon

9. Where is your next travel destination?
- London

10. What would you be, if you were not retired?
- A Kindergarden teacher

11. What is your favourite style?
- Minimalistic

On top of being a perfect mum, she also has a great style. I still go deep in her closet and dig out fashion iconic items such as vintage Gucci belts, Fendi scarves or Fox fur coats!

Mum, thank you for being who you are, we all love you very much...



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