This is for real....!
If you ever have the option to visit Florence you should take time to go visit the luxury designer outlet "the Mall". It's located in the beautiful Toscan hills and it's great to spend a grey rainy day there. It's not cheap but you can get final bargains like Stella McCatney fake snake skin pumps for 89 Euro that was 389 Euro before or Lanvin ballerinas for girls for 62 Euro that was around 175 Euro before. They are adorable...good thing they are too big for my daughter....
Believe it or not I didn't buy one thing during my visit. I tried lots of things on but didn't find the correct size or prices were still to high. It didn't help that my husband was there as well. He is good at reminding me if I really need the item!
Had I been there with my sister we could have easily shopped a lot...we inspire each other...
The outlet has shops from Burberry, Tom Ford, Gucci, Prada, Bottega Venetta, Lanvin, McQueen, Stella McCartney, Fendi and many more. Check it out...
Luxury design is a treat...