Thursday 12 July 2012

Getting ready for Paris

Paris get ready...

I could be a tourist guide, or this is what my family says! I love to travel, and I buy travel books, if they are on sale. My travel book selection, is therefore a bit dusty in some areas, because as you all know, the clock never stops, and this year there is no room or budget for my big New York and L.A. trip!

My family and I are going to Paris end of July for a weekend, and I have done some research, that I wanted to share.

I use to travel to Paris every 6 months for work! My French should be much better, but you don't need to speak much, when you spend 3 days in a fabric exhibition hall!

This time I'm really excited to go back to Paris, because it's a real holiday with no tight schedules! My family is really easy going, which makes it so much easier to suggest things, and then go and experience as much as possible. We only have 3 days including travel with the Eurostar, so not much time.

Here are suggestions to see for each one of us:

Flemming, my dad is a great Bordeaux wine lover, so for him I would suggest, that we visit the "Bordeauxtheque" in Galeries lafayette. This is the largest Bordeaux wine shops in Paris with 12.000 bottles of wine! Our hotel is located very close by, so this could be an interesting visit!

Eva, my mum loves shopping and to relax with a cappuccino, so I think, she would like the concept store Merci. They have great shopping for the home, women's and a cool cafe to relax your feet afterwards!

Charlotte, my sister is the greatest shopper of all of us, so she must see the Marais area (this is perfect for her style!) and walk down Rue saint Honore. This street is the most famous shopping street in Paris with luxury brands shops and destination shop Colette.

Inger Rosa, my niece is just about 2 years old, so I would like for her to enjoy Paris too! After doing a bit of research, I found out that the Jardin Tuileries offers a bit of fun for kids, I can see why...there is a carousel, playground and horseback riding! Read for more details on the Petite Paris website. It's right next to the Louvre.

Mik, my husband can't wait to visit the Louvre and to see Mona Lisa by Leonardo de Vinci. Mik loves art and his own paintings shows his talent! I chose a funny video from Little Britain a famous British comedy, because Mik bought me the DVD set, when we moved to London, so I could experience and understand the British humour better, it's so funny!

Pernille, me, I'm a fashion lover and thought it would be cool to go see the Louis Vuitton - Marc Jacobs exhibition at Musee Des Arts Decoratifs. I might be the only one going since this is fashion!!!

There are still lots to do together such as Le Bon Marche department store, Bateaux Parisiens boat ride after a long day of walking, Paris Plages fake summer beach at the Seine, Laduree macaroons and flea market Porte de Clignancourt  ...can't wait to go eat great food, drink nice wine and hopefully get some sun in the beautiful Paris streets!

More about Paris is coming up, also my wardrobe which is slowly coming together! It will be posted next week...

Paris here we come...



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